Greater Businesses of Pearland

FREE non profit Business Network supporting the community

in and around Pearland, Texas since 2016 - no membership fees

GB FuturePreneurs

GB FuturePreneurs is our amazing effort in which we encourageyouth to be creative, do community service, hard work, think out of the box, embrace, leadership and more .... read more

GB Healthcare Network

One of our core focus is Healthcare. Pearland has a huge Healthcare presence and a big part of our efforts is to support the healthcare community read more

GB Ambassadors


Our Ambassador program is unique and designed to give opportunities to individuals who want to serve and promote goodwill in the community  read more

The GB Team 

GB Team comprises of active community members who step up to support the effort through sheer volunteerism and good samaritanism  read more

          GB Youth Ambassadors​​ 

GB Youth Ambassadors are next generation leaders leading our FuturePrenuers projects  read more

Prakruti Vemula - Prakruti is a dedicated youth ambassador for the nonprofit Greater Businesses of Pearland, known for her passion for community service and entrepreneurship. From a young age, she has demonstrated her commitment to giving back, raising over $5,000 through annual, community wide lemonade stands to fund children's cancer. As a leader of Pearland's Clean and Green initiative, she has organized community trash pickups to promote environmental responsibility.  Prakruti is also an active volunteer, contributing her time as an activities assistant at  local nursing homes and volunteering in Greater Businesses’ very own Pearland Holi celebrations. Through her henna business, she shares her artistic passion with the community by setting up booths at local events. Her goal is to inspire the next generation to embrace entrepreneurship as a vital part of their future.

GB Youth Ambassadors

Amara Chukwumerije - Amarais a Youth Ambassador for Greater Businesses of Pearland, dedicated to bringing the community together through meaningful service. As an active member of the Interact Club, she has volunteered at retirement homes, served meals at soup kitchens, and regularly helps out at the Houston Food Bank. Amara plays in her school's varsity orchestra, using her skills to brighten the lives of residents at retirement homes and hospital staff. She also enjoys giving back by volunteering at cultural events like the Holi festival and shelving books at the West Pearland Library during the summer. Through her role as Youth Ambassador, Amara is passionate about hosting local events that not only unite the community but also encourage children to engage in volunteer work, nurturing a culture of service and connection in Pearland.

Ayana Chowdhury - Ayana is a dedicated Youth Ambassador for Greater Businesses of Pearland. Throughout her involvement, she has demonstrated leadership through her co-founding of a non-profit organization that is dedicated to allocating funds to a girls secondary school in Sylhet Bangladesh. Her commitment to giving back to the community is evident in her efforts to tutor Ukrainian students in english and reading comprehension, highlighting her devotion to connecting with her fellow youth. Ayana is also a Public Relations Volunteer for a local organization intent on advocating for services for foster kids, in which she networks with other affiliated businesses to generate referrals and increase visibility for the organization. Her goal is to bridge the gap between youth and businesses in order to make Pearland's business environment more inclusive and impactful.

GB Youth Ambassadors - Leadership Team 

GB Youth Ambassadors are dynamic young leaders who represent the Greater Businesses of Pearland nonprofit in community engagement and business outreach activities. These ambassadors play a crucial role in promoting the organization’s mission of supporting local businesses, encouraging entrepreneurship, and giving back to the community. Youth Ambassadors lead by example, helping to organize and execute events, inspire peers, and bridge the gap between youth and community-driven initiatives. GB Youth Ambassadors drive the GB FuturePrenuers Program