FREE non profit Business Network supporting the community
in and around Pearland, Texas since 2016 - no membership fees
GB FuturePreneurs is our amazing effort in which we encourageyouth to be creative, do community service, hard work, think out of the box, embrace, leadership and more .... read more
One of our core focus is Healthcare. Pearland has a huge Healthcare presence and a big part of our efforts is to support the healthcare community read more
Our Ambassador program is unique and designed to give opportunities to individuals who want to serve and promote goodwill in the community read more
GB Team comprises of active community members who step up to support the effort through sheer volunteerism and good samaritanism read more
GB Youth Ambassadors are next generation leaders leading our FuturePrenuers projects read more
GB Pearland's most successful events have been the after hours networking mixers that we organize in various parts of Pearland and surrounding areas. We have been doing after hours mixers since 2016 and these have been very successful. Several people come to our mixers and we always have new people showing up. Our mixers are hosted by local businesses and organizations at their place of business or a venue of their choice. Other businesses sponsor food/drink/services. They are open to all and we encourage active participation.
At our mixers you can
Based on the geographic location of our mixer, we classify it as East Pearland or West Pearland or any name that suits the area. It makes it easier for the local community members to attend if a mixer is closer to their home.